thank you Joey & Aleethea
Great blog post from the designer and mama of 2 behind Joey & Aleethea. Check out it out here.
Take it to the top! Share your story with President-elect Barack Obama and Vice-President-elect Joe Biden, they're asking for it.
How fitting the theme of his campaign is CHANGE. So let 'em know how the CPSIA is going to change your 2009. I'm terrified of how it's going to change mine.
Take it to the top! Share your story with President-elect Barack Obama and Vice-President-elect Joe Biden, they're asking for it.
How fitting the theme of his campaign is CHANGE. So let 'em know how the CPSIA is going to change your 2009. I'm terrified of how it's going to change mine.
Endangered Whimsy
Hilary from blykenandnod has just launched http://www.endangeredwhimsy.com/, featuring items that will be "endangered" come February 10th, 2009. To read more about the blog, please click here. Thank you for all of your effort Hilary!
To submit an endangered handmade toy or children's item, please email the following information to: submissions@endangeredwhimsy.com
Photo Link/File:
Name or Shop Name:
*please submit only one item per artisan, and do not submit photos without the permission of the copyright holder or featured artisan
To submit an endangered handmade toy or children's item, please email the following information to: submissions@endangeredwhimsy.com
Photo Link/File:
Name or Shop Name:
*please submit only one item per artisan, and do not submit photos without the permission of the copyright holder or featured artisan
Etsy's open letter
Handmade Children's Items & Unintended Consequences: Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
click here to read Etsy's open letter on the CPSIA
click here to read Etsy's open letter on the CPSIA
CPSIA timeline
You can view the CPSIA timeline here: http://www.bureauveritas.com/wps/wcm/connect/bv_com/Group/Home/About-Us/Our-Business/Our-Business-Consumer-Products/Regulatory_Bulletins/CPS+Bulletin+08B-169?presentationtemplate=bv_master/CPS_full_story_presentation
or for the printable version try here: http://www.bureauveritas.com/wps/wcm/connect/09537a004b5e3fa98b908f93f26b1a3d/Bulletin_08B-169.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=09537a004b5e3fa98b908f93f26b1a3d
Summary of key points and additional requirements:
or for the printable version try here: http://www.bureauveritas.com/wps/wcm/connect/09537a004b5e3fa98b908f93f26b1a3d/Bulletin_08B-169.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=09537a004b5e3fa98b908f93f26b1a3d
Summary of key points and additional requirements:
Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
A great letter written about the new CPSIA by Molly from The Little Seedling:
In 2007, large toy manufacturers who outsource their production violated the public's trust. They were selling toys with dangerously high lead content, toys with unsafe small part, toys with improperly secured and easily swallowed small magnets, and toys made from chemicals that made kids sick.
The United States Congress rightly recognized that the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) lacked the authority and staffing to prevent dangerous toys from being imported into the US. So, they passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) in August, 2008. Among other things, the CPSIA bans lead and phthalates in toys, mandates third-party testing and certification for all toys and requires toy makers to permanently label each toy with a date and batch number.
While we all applauded efforts by the federal government to tighten the safety standards for toys, we all got much more than we bargained for. The law that was passed extends to all products directed to children 12 years of age and younger, and includes such things as clothing & toys and much more, with very few exceptions or exemptions. That wouldn't be so bad, but there are a few requirements that, if left as is, will force most small businesses (and many medium & large sized businesses) out of business....including retailers, and work at home moms.
How this affects retailers and manufactures:
1. Existing Inventory: The law states that any affected product that does not meet the new standard (with the exception of phthalates) cannot be sold from the shelves after February 10th 2009. The problem is that the law includes many new items that have not been under a previous regulation, and have not been tested. To test these items now, on the retail or wholesale level is prohibitively expensive, and/or simply not possible. So it is very difficult to confirm compliance (although most items in most companies would be compliant), and at the same time, penalties for selling anything that doesn't meet the standard are very stiff. The options for anyone with inventory are not pleasant.
2. 3rd Party Testing by SKU: The law will require 3rd party testing in the future for each sku (or style). The large pair of jeans have to be tested separately from the medium size of jeans...even though all materials are the same. This makes testing prohibitively (impossibly) expensive. There are other ways to form a testing regimen and be just as satisfied with the results.
3. Markings: All products manufactured after August 12th, 2009 must have markings on the package and permanent markings on the product indicating where, by whom, and when the product was made. Large corporations can afford purchasing multiple dies to do this. Small companies cannot. European companies with limited sales to the USA likewise cannot.
4. Complexity: The law is extremely complex. Needlessly so. It is requiring companies to hire lawyers just to get a grasp of what is required of them. Also, the requirement of including certificates of compliance of each product shipped, with each product is overly burdensome. Electronic certificates has been approved, and will help, but even then there is a substantial cost to the additional administration---which does very little, if anything, to improve the safety of our toys.
5. Frequency of Testing: We are still trying to get a clear grasp of this. However, it is very possible that each batch must be tested/certified. This is fine for large companies running 10,000 or 100,000 pieces per batch. For small manufacturers, with small runs, it multiplies the enormous cost from point #2, even higher.
What this means is small, innovative companies that typically make niche products, will be forced out of business, or forced to narrow their product range and sell to the mass market. Product availability and selection will diminish. We will be primarily left with imported plastic toys from China. Yes, quite ironic isn't it.
URGENT Action:The Subcommittee that put this law together is meeting to review its implementation on Wednesday. We need to send a message to them to revise the law or its implementation in ways that will maintain the integrity of the safety standards, but will not decimate the children's products market. Here are the details of the meeting:
The Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection will hold a hearing on Wednesday, December 10, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing is entitled "Implementation of the CPSIA: Urgent Questions about Application Dates, Testing and Certification, and Protecting Children." This is an oversight hearing examining implementation of Public Law 110-314 (H.R. 4040, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)). Witnesses will be by invitation only.
The staff briefing for this hearing will be held on Monday, December 8, 2008, at 4:00 p.m. in room 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.
Here is a link to the list of Committee Members. Please contact your Representative of Congress. If any one of these Representatives on the Subcommittee is YOUR representative, PLEASE be sure to call & email them to voice your concerns about the provisions in the law as they affect you and the children's products industry in general. Please do this today and Monday. Here is the contact information at the CPSC...please contact them with your concerns too.
Here is a link to some suggestions for talking to our representatives from WAHM Solutions. What else can you do? Pass this on in your blogs, your parent groups, your local community lists, among your friends. There is much misinformation in the market, and it is up to us to warn consumers and colleagues of the pending disappearance of the natural & specialty toys we have come to rely on in the recent years. Sign petitions, and pass the link on to friends.
This is a critical time to raise our voices and be heard. Please do not say it can wait until next week, or after Christmas. Important issues that affect us will be discussed in a public way next week...NOT after Christmas.
What else can you do? If you are a crafter join the Handmade Toy Alliance, join the online community cpsia-central and become informed & involved. Contact the media, discuss this in forums and in your own online communities. It isn't just our businesses that are at risk, it is the very nature of the toys & products our children & grandchildren will have access to in the future.
Please pass this on!
In 2007, large toy manufacturers who outsource their production violated the public's trust. They were selling toys with dangerously high lead content, toys with unsafe small part, toys with improperly secured and easily swallowed small magnets, and toys made from chemicals that made kids sick.
The United States Congress rightly recognized that the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) lacked the authority and staffing to prevent dangerous toys from being imported into the US. So, they passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) in August, 2008. Among other things, the CPSIA bans lead and phthalates in toys, mandates third-party testing and certification for all toys and requires toy makers to permanently label each toy with a date and batch number.
While we all applauded efforts by the federal government to tighten the safety standards for toys, we all got much more than we bargained for. The law that was passed extends to all products directed to children 12 years of age and younger, and includes such things as clothing & toys and much more, with very few exceptions or exemptions. That wouldn't be so bad, but there are a few requirements that, if left as is, will force most small businesses (and many medium & large sized businesses) out of business....including retailers, and work at home moms.
How this affects retailers and manufactures:
1. Existing Inventory: The law states that any affected product that does not meet the new standard (with the exception of phthalates) cannot be sold from the shelves after February 10th 2009. The problem is that the law includes many new items that have not been under a previous regulation, and have not been tested. To test these items now, on the retail or wholesale level is prohibitively expensive, and/or simply not possible. So it is very difficult to confirm compliance (although most items in most companies would be compliant), and at the same time, penalties for selling anything that doesn't meet the standard are very stiff. The options for anyone with inventory are not pleasant.
2. 3rd Party Testing by SKU: The law will require 3rd party testing in the future for each sku (or style). The large pair of jeans have to be tested separately from the medium size of jeans...even though all materials are the same. This makes testing prohibitively (impossibly) expensive. There are other ways to form a testing regimen and be just as satisfied with the results.
3. Markings: All products manufactured after August 12th, 2009 must have markings on the package and permanent markings on the product indicating where, by whom, and when the product was made. Large corporations can afford purchasing multiple dies to do this. Small companies cannot. European companies with limited sales to the USA likewise cannot.
4. Complexity: The law is extremely complex. Needlessly so. It is requiring companies to hire lawyers just to get a grasp of what is required of them. Also, the requirement of including certificates of compliance of each product shipped, with each product is overly burdensome. Electronic certificates has been approved, and will help, but even then there is a substantial cost to the additional administration---which does very little, if anything, to improve the safety of our toys.
5. Frequency of Testing: We are still trying to get a clear grasp of this. However, it is very possible that each batch must be tested/certified. This is fine for large companies running 10,000 or 100,000 pieces per batch. For small manufacturers, with small runs, it multiplies the enormous cost from point #2, even higher.
What this means is small, innovative companies that typically make niche products, will be forced out of business, or forced to narrow their product range and sell to the mass market. Product availability and selection will diminish. We will be primarily left with imported plastic toys from China. Yes, quite ironic isn't it.
URGENT Action:The Subcommittee that put this law together is meeting to review its implementation on Wednesday. We need to send a message to them to revise the law or its implementation in ways that will maintain the integrity of the safety standards, but will not decimate the children's products market. Here are the details of the meeting:
The Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection will hold a hearing on Wednesday, December 10, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing is entitled "Implementation of the CPSIA: Urgent Questions about Application Dates, Testing and Certification, and Protecting Children." This is an oversight hearing examining implementation of Public Law 110-314 (H.R. 4040, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)). Witnesses will be by invitation only.
The staff briefing for this hearing will be held on Monday, December 8, 2008, at 4:00 p.m. in room 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.
Here is a link to the list of Committee Members. Please contact your Representative of Congress. If any one of these Representatives on the Subcommittee is YOUR representative, PLEASE be sure to call & email them to voice your concerns about the provisions in the law as they affect you and the children's products industry in general. Please do this today and Monday. Here is the contact information at the CPSC...please contact them with your concerns too.
Here is a link to some suggestions for talking to our representatives from WAHM Solutions. What else can you do? Pass this on in your blogs, your parent groups, your local community lists, among your friends. There is much misinformation in the market, and it is up to us to warn consumers and colleagues of the pending disappearance of the natural & specialty toys we have come to rely on in the recent years. Sign petitions, and pass the link on to friends.
This is a critical time to raise our voices and be heard. Please do not say it can wait until next week, or after Christmas. Important issues that affect us will be discussed in a public way next week...NOT after Christmas.
What else can you do? If you are a crafter join the Handmade Toy Alliance, join the online community cpsia-central and become informed & involved. Contact the media, discuss this in forums and in your own online communities. It isn't just our businesses that are at risk, it is the very nature of the toys & products our children & grandchildren will have access to in the future.
Please pass this on!
Simply Sentimental
Thank you to Sydnei at the Simply Sentimental blog for featuring our CatyLou Quilts fabric shop as part of her Supply Sunday on Etsy. Layer Cake Shop and Spazzy were also featured!
Advent Paper Cake Calender

I was browsing Etsy for advent calenders, and found this very cool Paper Cake from daisysanddots. How adorable would this be as a centerpiece?
lots of new bolt-ends...
...fat quarters, and remnant cuts added yesterday! Check them out in our fabric shop here.
Chillin' Cuteness treasury

Thank you to Winklepots for including our 2-D Zoo bib in her latest treasury! Check out her adorable handpainted clothing and accessories shop by clicking on the cutie-pie below.


I am very excited to have our Retro Rocket Rascals bib featured in Disney's Wondertime.com "Stuff We Love" section.
Sushi Sampler
vroom, vroom baby

We've opened up our garage and are offering custom, build-your-own hot rod baby bibs. You can find the listing in our Etsy shop here. We're antsy - our own hot rod doesn't see the light of day during winter too often. ;)
Pick from any of the prints shown in the listing, or choose from our selection of transportation fabrics here.
Wild Thing

Custom Designs By Mimi has put together this super-fun list for your little wild child. Check out her own wild child listing that can be found in her Etsy shop:

lucky Barbie
Last month I ordered a few Barbie dresses on Etsy from sewgrandmacathy for my daughter. She loved them, so I asked Cathy if she would custom create more dresses in some of my daughter's favorite fabrics for a Valentine's Day gift. And I admit, what I ordered last month was supposed to be a Valentine's Day gift, but they were so cute I couldn't help but give them to her earlier. :)

Look how adorable the custom order turned out! I can't wait to get them in the mail. Cathy was so sweet to work with, and her attention to detail is amazing. Her creations are so much easier for my daughter to play with than any of the store-bought clothing she owns. Thank you Cathy!

Look how adorable the custom order turned out! I can't wait to get them in the mail. Cathy was so sweet to work with, and her attention to detail is amazing. Her creations are so much easier for my daughter to play with than any of the store-bought clothing she owns. Thank you Cathy!

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