

I love Texas-Ware as much as I love Pyrex. The same night we found the chocolate chip cookie bowl, we also found a set of Texas-Ware speckled cups and saucers.

I was surprised at how many Texas-Ware mixing bowls we found too (think Rachael Ray's garbage bowls), but they were all priced at $30-$40 each. You can find the bowls on Etsy and eBay too. I reeeeeaally want one, I'll have to stalk them for awhile.

When we found them in the bottom row of a booth, we agreed they'd be perfect for tea parties.

So of course they had to come home with us. Another happy birthday to me! Now all the hubby has to get me is some more Ceylon cinnamon from Penzeys and he's set. I make it so easy for him. ;)

There is a 51 piece set on Etsy right now that includes dinner plates, cups, sugar bowls and more fun stuff...please buy it so that I don't have to.

Zak! Designs has a newer version of confetti bowls available too, you can find them on the Rachael Ray website and on Amazon.

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